
Dr. Peters is a board-certified physician with First Stop Health and has been a family practice doctor for over 25 years including 6 years active duty with the US Air Force. He went into medicine, in particular family medicine, to be able to care for a wide variety of people from infants to the elderly. Since then, he has completed over 100,000 visits in-person and 12,000 with virtual care.


His approach in caring for his patients is focused on both prevention and using evidence-based care following the latest care guidelines. Given how expensive medical care has become, he also is very mindful of helping patients find the lowest cost options and avoid unnecessary care.  He believes in a collaborative approach given everyone is different and has different needs and expectations. 


In his free time, Dr. Peters likes to travel, hike, cook and be with family.



Dr. Peters attended medical school at the University of Missouri - Columbia, and did my family medicine residency training at Travis AFB, CA in family medicine.

Over 25 years
  • Family Medicine
  • Primary Care
  • English

First Stop Health services are not intended to constitute a health plan. Providers at First Stop Health do not prescribe controlled substances. Costs according to your medical plan may apply for prescriptions, lab orders, and other non-FSH services.